She's So Stubborn that It Hurts to Watch (2)

Huo Siqian reached out to throw Mo Xue'er's hands off his neck…

Then, he turned around to look at her, with a spurious smile on his face…

"Xue'er, you seemed to be very interested in Huo Mian."

"Yes… very interested." Mo Xue'er smiled sweetly.

"Xue'er, you're a smart woman. We've been together for a long time, so you know what to do and what not to do… Don't touch my bottom line and don't probe me… Oh, and… don't go harassing Huo Mian again, nothing good will come of it for you."

Then, Huo Siqian got up to leave…

"Siqian… I didn't do it on purpose… I just think you…"

"How I treat her has nothing to do with you, it's not like you're my wife… Don't poke your nose in my business… Don't try to guess what I'm thinking… and don't do things that will embarrass everyone, including yourself… If you like being with me, then we'll keep having fun. If you don't like being with me, then you can find yourself a boyfriend. I'd be okay with that."