I'm Very Disappointed in You (4)

"I'm not joking, Director Liao. Look at this, it's the test results."

Then, Gao Ran handed over the report...

After looking at it, Director Liao's face sank...

"Commander… this… this…" Director Liao seemed very troubled since he couldn't offend Grandpa Su.

However, even the emperor was subject to the law; plus, all the mass media were reporting on this issue.

If they publically bailed Su Yu out, the results would be unthinkable.

"I can vouch with my military rank that my grandson would never do anything like that." Grandpa Su was furious...

He watched his grandson grow up, and his grandson had been in the military for many years, so he knew right from wrong.

No matter what he did, he wouldn't do something as morally wrong as this.

"I know, Commander. I don't think Young Master Su would do something like that either… But there's nothing much we can do with the evidence at hand."