Taking Every Opportunity One Can Get (7)

Qin Chu hugged her by the waist; he carried her up and dropped her on the couch. He didn't use force, but he wasn't gentle either.

She could tell that he was angry.

"Huo Mian, we're not done talking yet, how can you leave like that?"

"About what? What do we have left to say?" Huo Mian sneered.

"I remember that you asked for my opinion… why did you still do it, even if you knew that you shouldn't?" Qin Chu had never hated Su Yu nor had he gotten jealous of him, even when he sang for Huo Mian at GK's 30th anniversary…

But this time, he couldn't take it anymore…

He didn't care about what others said, nor did he care about gossip. He only cared about Huo Mian's heart.

He was scared that Huo Mian felt something for Su Yu.