The Brilliance of Goddess Song (3)

"What would he get out of… me leaving you?" Huo Mian looked at him in surprise.

"That would depend on him. After all, we're not him, and we don't know what's going on in that head of his. Then again… it's only a guess. There's no proof that points to him."

"It just proves his intelligence. He never leaves loose ends untied," Huo Mian said.

That's why she and Qin Chu never liked him, even when they were young.

Qin Chu fell silent; he agreed with what Huo Mian said… they seemed to be on the same page.

"Honey… I suddenly thought of something." Huo Mian turned around and moved up closer to Qin Chu, excitement gleaming in her eyes.

"Tell me."

"I think we should keep pretending that we're in a fight… play along with the enemy's plan and see how far he will go. He already set up the chess pieces, so why not play along?"