I Will Take the Heat for You (5)

"Yes, let me tell you… back when I was pregnant, I wanted a girl. When I saw that Su Yu was a boy, I was kind of disappointed. I kept trying to dress him up like a girl. After he grew up and understood the difference between the two genders, he stopped letting me put red dots on his forehead. Haha." Mrs. Su was very happy talking about Su Yu's childhood.

Huo Mian couldn't help but giggle...

She couldn't imagine that the Young Master Su, a man of such status within C City, had such an embarrassing childhood.

More specifically, it was his mother who surprised her, a mother whose life's goal was to embarrass her son...

"Oh, don't forget to eat the apples. I hand-picked them from our own garden, there are no pesticides on them." With that, Mrs. Su took a small red apple and stuffed it into Huo Mian's hands.

Huo Mian didn't refuse. She took a huge bite out of the apple, natural as could be.