A Perfect Christmas (7)

Zhu Lingling nodded. "I was thinking that we could go to the South-side Mountain, do some ice fishing and play some mahjong, but Gao Ran said it's too boring."

"The roads there are really bumpy, and Qin Chu just had surgery, so he shouldn't sit in a car for long periods of time." Huo Mian nodded.

"What about a house barbeque party?" Gao Ran suggested.

"What do you think, honey?" Qin Chu looking at Huo Mian lovingly.

"A party sounds good. Let's hold a Christmas costume party, what do you guys think?" Huo Mian smiled and suggested.

"Hey, good idea, I like it. I watched Maleficent a while ago, I loved Angelina Jolie's makeup and outfit in that movie. I'm going to go as her, it's perfect."

"So… you're basically saying that you want to go as Snow White's stepmother?" Huo Mian immediately followed.

"Oh… Do you want to be Snow White's stepmother? You don't have to dress up for that, just be yourself," Gao Ran continued to bash Zhu Lingling.