Flaunting Their Love (1)

"For today's meeting, I wish to clarify three points. First, the Chairman's return to the company is only temporary. My wife and I had to deal with some tricky things over the past few days so we couldn't make it to the office."

"Second, rumors stop with intelligent people; employees of GK should not tarnish the company's reputation with rumors. I will let the past rumors go, but any future rumors will not be tolerated."

"Third, for those who wish to resign, you have one night to reconsider if you want to withdraw your resignation letter. If you wish to stay, I will be happy to keep you; if you wish to go, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors."

"That's everything, thank you all."

Qin Chu's meeting was short and succinct, unlike some company executives who talked on and on for four to five hours, causing everyone to fall asleep...