Now That Was Awkward (7)

"Honey, can you pick up for me? I'm going to go blow dry my hair," Qin Chu said as he gently placed Huo Mian onto their giant bed and turned around to go back into the bathroom.

The truth was, Huo Mian didn't like picking up Qin Chu's phone calls. She felt like it would be violating his privacy as if she didn't trust him.

However, it was fine if Qin Chu agreed beforehand, so she flipped over and grabbed Qin Chu's phone to see that it was his mother calling.

At the thought of Mrs. Qin, Huo Mian hesitated for a second before picking up, "Hello?"

"Huo Mian?" Mrs. Qin immediately asked upon hearing a woman's voice.

"This is she."

"Where's Chu?" Mrs. Qin's attitude towards her was much friendlier than it used to be.