Showing B*tch Song Who’s the Boss (5)

"Everyone, quiet down and let our principal speak," the dean of education said before he handed the microphone to the principal of Second High, who was a man in his fifties. He had greying hair and glasses framing his serious face.

"Students, I believe that you're no strangers to these two here. Today, I am going to formally introduce them. This man standing beside me is the president and chief executive officer of the GK Corporation, Mister Qin Chu. The woman beside him is his wife, Huo Mian. They were students of Second High, and they were here two days ago to experience school life again."

After the principal spoke, the crowd went wild...

The girls in the fifth class of twelfth grade screamed...

"No wonder he's so handsome, he's president Qin… My god, that's so cool!"

The chubby boy in the eighth class of grade eleven was so surprised that his glasses almost fell onto the floor...