It's Important to Know One's Own Limitations (5)

"Next, introducing our very special guest today, Miss Song Yishi!"

The host continued, "Miss Song Yishi grew up in Italy and was deeply influenced by both Chinese and Italian cultures. She became the youngest master of Chinese painting in China and is greatly influential in both countries. Although she had the chance of obtaining Italian citizenship, she refused the offer due to her unwavering patriotism for her own country. Ignoring the dissuasion of her mentors at the Academy of Fine Arts, she resolutely returned to China. Now, she has opened up the largest art academy in the city and has become the idol of countless students. Not only is she beautiful, her exceptional intelligence has made her an exemplary socialite. Let us give a warm welcome to Miss Song!"

After the host's long introduction, Song Yishi walked up to the middle of the stage.

Taking the microphone, she smiled and said, "Hello everyone, my name is Song Yishi."

"Goddess Song, good luck!"