Good Influence Bad Influence (10)

"Street racing," Huo Mian felt guilty as she said in a low voice, almost a whisper.

Tang Chuan almost spat out the authentic Mongolian milk tea he was sipping on.

"Oh damn, street racing!" Tang Chuan gasped while Wei Liao and Su Yu remained silent.

"It's true, I can attest," Jiang Xiaowei lifted up her hand and attested as she noticed how surprised everyone was.

"Why would they detain you for merely racing? At most you would receive some demerit points and fines," Su Yu wondered.

By now, Huo Mian's head shrunk even lower. "I was racing with Song Yixuan."

"Song Yixuan? The precious daughter of the State Land Administration's director?" Tang Chuan asked.

Huo Mian nodded and continued, "Song Yishi was sitting in the passenger seat."

"Uhh… this is not racing, this is seeking for revenge," Wei Liao interrupted.

Su Yu looked rather calm all throughout the conversation, up until the very last bit of it.