A Conspiracy Wedding (3)

Originally, Song Yishi wanted to sue Huo Siqian for rape since she was drugged last night.

However, after the initial fury, she calmed down and realized that doing so wouldn't work.

Setting everything else aside, her father's reputation would be ruined if a scandal like that broke out. He might even be forced into early retirement.

Plus, she was a socialite, so if others found out that she had been drugged and raped, no one would ever marry her.

Then, she would never have a chance with Qin Chu…

Clearly, reputation was incredibly important – if what happened got out, it would become the #1 scandal of C City.

People were going to laugh at her, the mayor's daughter, for being drugged and raped.

Perhaps Huo Siqian knew that she would be too chicken to call the police, that was why he was so sure that he could get away with it.

Unwilling to give up, Song Yishi called Huo Siqian again.