Something Big in New Year (6)

Huo Mian held up her phone with a laugh. "I'm reading my Weibo comments, these people are too funny."

Qin Chu smiled lovingly at this…

Huo Mian rarely used to flaunt their relationship because back then, their marriage was a secret. Too many people would be hurt if they learned the truth, so she chose to keep it from everyone.

Now, they had announced their relationship to the world. Moreover, a few days ago she won Snooker Celebrity Night, helping GK win a three-year contract with Mr. Li.

Media outlets in the city have all been reporting on what happened, and many had reached out to ask the couple for an interview.

However, Qin Chu refused them all because he didn't want to overly expose Huo Mian, which was good because she didn't want to be so showy to begin with. After all, she wasn't a superstar, so why would she so frequently appear on television?

The couple bought a lot of things before driving over to the Qin Manor.