Young Master Su, Are You Interested in a Partnership? (6)

"Young Master Su, are you interested in a partnership?"

"Work with you? How? Do you want to enter the entertainment industry?"

"Nope, the opposite… I want you to enter the real estate industry."

"Real estate? I'm sorry, I'm not interested…" Su Yu had so much money that he couldn't even count it; if he wanted to venture into real estate, he would've done it a long time ago. Moreover, Su Financial Bank could provide him with an endless supply of loans and investments.

However, he was fine with just having Imperial Star. He could have fun and make money out of it, so he didn't want to be so greedy.

Moreover, he wanted more time to himself, or else what was the point of having so much money? He would have to run around like Superman every day and attend a hundred meetings until he went crazy.

"I know you're not interested in real estate… but what if this matter has to do with Qin Chu?" Huo Siqian continued asking.