I Do Enjoy Hitting Someone When They’re Down (4)

"Pretty good."

"Haha, I think it's great too. The young madam has a bold style and took risks with the redesign… I have a feeling that it'll be profitable…" Yang was beyond excited.

The days at T City were dull, and the president went around taking care of incoming issues every single day.

At the hotel, Yang would sometimes fall asleep from sheer boredom.

His blood was hot and boiling, as he watched the live stream from the screen of his laptop...

"I was saying that I liked the way my wife dressed."

Yang was speechless...

"President Qin, shouldn't the main focus be our new product?" Yang was sweating.

Qin Chu was silent as he stared at Huo Mian when she was standing on the stage. He couldn't get enough of her.

"President Qin, is there an employee discount for the pair of bracelets? 68,800 yuan is pretty expensive." Yang seemed to be moved and wanted to get matching bracelets with his wife so he could show them off on WeChat.