I Want to Date You for the Rest of My Life (9)

Huo Siqian smiled at his impending success when he saw Huo Mian hiding into Qin Chu's office. As soon as she went in, she would be trapped with no way out…

He walked up to the president's office and looked into the unlocked door. After a slight hesitation, he reached out to open the door.

A stack of documents fell down but failed to hit him. This was a tactic that students used in middle school to prank their teachers and other students.

Usually, they would use a blackboard eraser; Huo Siqian didn't think Huo Mian would use such a childish method that couldn't even hit him. So what if it did? They were just documents that couldn't hurt him at all. His Mian was sure cute…

Therefore, he opened the door and headed inside, confident that he was going to win this chase. Victory was so easy, he didn't even get to have his fun yet.

Huo Mian was hiding under Qin Chu's desk, holding a stun gun tightly in her hands…