Huo Siqian, What Are You Trying to Do? (5)

The article called GK an immoral developer that had been ripping people off for decades, refusing to lower its prices even when all the other companies did so. Therefore, no one should buy their properties.

After this article was published, countless people, either netizens or the water army, shared it. In a nutshell, this incident blew up in GK's face.

Some netizens even cursed at GK on Huo Mian's Weibo.

Qin Chu had Weibo as well, but he never uploaded anything, nor did he allow others to comment on his page, so these people ended up targeting his wife.

Huo Mian's Weibo was verified since she was South Side's chief neurologist and the wife of GK's President Qin.

With nowhere else to vent their anger, netizens gathered under Huo Mian's page, adding 50,000 comments to her existing 10,000.