The Domineering Sister Duo (4)

Qin Chu turned around and looked at his two daughters. 

Little Bean continued to talk in a cute voice, "Daddy, Mommy is just being irrational. You can't be irrational like her. Just look at our names and you will understand how much she loves you. I know you won't be able to blame us on anything."

"Qin Zhaozhao, Qin Mumu… Our names symbolize the eternal love between Qin and Huo; If love were forever, then it would not only last day and night… You can tell Mommy really missed Daddy… We already have to carry that immense love on our shoulders, so you can't blame us," Pudding said, looking deeply wronged.

"Honey, Daddy understands and Daddy loves you two very much. Of course I won't blame you…" Qin Chu couldn't argue with them.

"Honey, this is betrayal… How are you on their side? Where are your principles!" Huo Mian said, looking as if she was wronged.