The Twins Went Missing (5)

"Do you really think I don't remember?" Huo Mian chuckled.

They looked at each other and smiled; they knew what the other person was thinking without actually saying it.

Four years ago, Qin Chu returned home to China and married Huo Mian. Even though he wasn't the nicest guy in the world during the process, Huo Mian was still willing to go through with the marriage…

It was good that they gave each other a second chance…

Once, Qin Chu and Huo Mian were in the car and a song came on the radio. At that time, Qin Chu started talking about California. 

Qin Chu said that California was a beautiful place and somsomedaye would take Huo Mian there.

He was a person that kept his promises and he worked hard to make those promises real.

They had a tight schedule, but Qin Chu still put in the time and effort to take Huo Mian to California, so they could see the sunset together.

They were engulfed in a world of their own.