The Twins Went Missing (7)

One of the men on the floor, a black guy, got up. He was still dizzy from Qin Chu's punches and approached Qin Chu in a swaying manner.

He tried to punch Qin Chu in the face, thinking that Qin Chu wouldn't dodge since his friend had a gun pointed at him.

To his surprise, however, Qin Chu dodged his punch and the black gangster fell trembling to the floor.

"You mother f*cker. How dare you… I'll kill you!" 

The white man pointed his gun at Qin Chu and pulled the trigger…

Huo Mian was so scared that her heart almost raced out of her chest.

"Honey, be careful," she shrieked.

Just then, Qin Chu took out a gun out of nowhere. 

Huo Mian knew that Qin Chu kept the gun by his side at all times but he had never used it back in China except that once. 

The first shot missed Qin Chu. Before he could shoot again, Qin Chu shot the white man in the wrist, causing the latter's gun to fall onto the floor.