The Sound of Bad Luck Knocking on Your Door (12)

Little Bean said, "Daddy, don't listen to her. She's acting cold and indifferent. Let's ignore her and go. I found a good tiramisu place, we can try it."

So, under Little Bean's pressure, Qin Chu went downstairs to have cake with Little Bean.

Little Bean finally found a legitimate excuse to eat.

Qin Ning and Pudding were the only people left in the home theater upstairs.

"Pudding, you're not going to be liked this way. Kids that don't cry won't get candy… You should learn from Little Bean, acting cute once in a while is a good thing, really…" Qin Ning slowly said.

"Auntie, we're born as individuals, we don't rely on or imitate others… It's in Little Bean's personality to be pure, naive, and cute. I can't learn it, I don't want to learn it either… I was born calm and cool, and I think it's a good thing."

"Aren't you afraid that your mommy and daddy might love Little Bean more? After all, she's more friendly," Qin Ning teased her.