Fortune's Favor Awaits Those who Survived the Catastrophe (4)

Little Bean didn't know that there was a difficult choice to be made between her mother and herself.

Maybe only one of them could continue to live, and the other one would get blown to pieces.

After Little Bean left, Qin Chu walked over and knelt down beside Huo Mian.

"Honey, the bomb's not off yet. Where's Gao Ran taking Little Bean?" Huo Mian was confused.

Qin Chu didn't talk as he lifted Huo Mian's face and kissed her on the lips.

"Mmm, Honey, what are you doing? In front of so many people?" Huo Mian was confused, she didn't know where he got the mood to kiss her, especially in front of the bomb squad. It was too embarrassing.

"Sweetie, don't be scared. You're going to be fine…"

Qin Chu wanted to comfort Huo Mian, but as soon as he said that, tears began to fall.

Huo Mian immediately understood what that meant.

"You can't get the bomb off, can you?" she calmly asked.

Qin Chu remained silent and just cried...