Career or Woman? (3)

"Back so soon?" Mo Xue'er turned around to see Huo Mian, who was wearing a white lab coat. The latter had been working overtime and had just finished up a complicated surgery with the Orthopedics Department.

When she heard that Mo Xue'er was hospitalized and found out the reason behind her hospital stay, she decided to pay a visit.

"You don't look like a victim, you look like someone who just won a war…" Huo Mian put her hands in the pockets of her white coat and quietly looked at Mo Xue'er.

"Why are you here?" Mo Xue'er was surprised to see her.

"You know that I work here."

"Why are you here in my room? Don't tell me you're here to visit me, I don't need your fake empathy." Mo Xue'er put down the mirror in her hand and looked maliciously at Huo Mian.

"Miss Mo, you're thinking too much, we're not close enough for me to visit you at your sick bed… I'm here to talk to you about something."