You Are Going to Accompany Me Even If I Die (16)

"The truth is… I'm very happy." Su Yu said from the bottom of his heart. Although he and Huo Mian didn't end up together, he had the pleasure of being by Huo Mian and the twins' side for the past few years. Everyone else might feel bad for him, but to him, he lived an extremely happy life. 

He even thanked the heavens; if Qin Chu didn't disappear for three years, he would never have been able to enjoy that time with Huo Mian and the twins. Those three years were the happiest of his life; he felt like it was stolen time that he would never get back.

Humans needed to be satisfied with what they have, because that's how we obtain happiness. The Su Yu from four years ago was a completely different person from the Su Yu he was today.

Back then, he was egotistical, fearless, and dominant. Now, he was a low-key entrepreneur who took care of two young girls like they were his own children. Moreover, he agreed to every single one of Huo Mian's requests.