The Gathering of the Ultimate Riches (13)

"I agree with you. I didn't expect them to actually have so much fun. Especially my mommy, this is my first time seeing her like this," said Wei Yunchu, his hands holding his chin as he looked at Jiang Xiaowei who was laughing like a little kid. It was so hard for him to believe that this was his mom who was usually super serious and calm. 

"Which tells us… even though adults look older in age, behavior-wise they are still little kids. The relationship between parents and kids has always been hard to deal with and full of disagreements. It's all because both sides are not mature. Kids are young, so it's fine for them to be naïve. But when parents act like little kids, behaving immaturely, then that is unacceptable."

"Your logic is really… really crazy. It's my first time hearing this," remarked Wei Yunchu while looking at Pudding admiringly. 

Then Pudding's phone started ringing.