Devil's Means (7)

"Okay, I will. Thanks for letting me know."

"My people will keep an eye on Ian's actions, and I'll send people over immediately if something seems off."


Qin Chu hung up the phone, unable to keep his cool. He spent those four years in the U.S., away from his wife and children, so he could look into Huo Siqian's 6 years in Germany that were completely blank to the public. 

He quickly found out that Huo Siqian had close ties to Ian's family. During his investigation, he found out that Ian was the worst of the worst… He was barely human.

Ian had already killed too many people over the years to be counted. He was an abomination – a threat to society and the human population. 

After Qiao Fei's phone call, Qin Chu immediately ordered more men to protect his family. Then, he decided to go and see Gao Ran and tell him to stop his blind search.