Lu Yan’s Angry, the Consequence’s Severe (3)

"Okay, since you're so righteous and courageous, let me analyze the situation for you. Imagine what would happen if Ian died here…" Qin Chu straightened his back and said, "Immediately, Ian's organization will be thrown into a frenzy. They would do anything to avenge him. You know his organization, it's the most notorious terrorist group. Even the FBI can't do anything against them. They train countless human weapons every year, are the most well-known plane hijackers, and even caused the rebellion in Syria in 2009. They did all that, you can't fathom how many explosives they have and how crazed their ideals are. If Ian died here, our city will become the vacation spot for all those terrorists. We'll never live in peace again, and furthermore, they'll harm our country's economy."

Gao Ran licked his dry lips after hearing that, but he couldn't argue a single word.

He knew that Qin Chu never gave into fear, every word that he spoke was carefully formulated.