I Only Have One Month of Time (5)

After a while, Qin Ning's father sighed. "Let's set aside becoming an American citizen… The most important thing right now is to get married and hold a ceremony here in the States… Our company's coming out with a new product next month and it'll be strategically beneficial for you guys to get married before that… It'll help with our stocks. The wedding will be luxurious… but there's one thing. Ning and I are Christians, so he needs to convert to Christianity, and the wedding will be held at a church. I'll ask Pastor Leo to officiate."

"Um, convert to Christianity?" Tang Chuan was again speechless; this future father-in-law of his sure had a lot of demands…

"What? Is that a problem?" Qin Ning's father glared domineeringly at Tang Chuan.

"Dad, we just agreed not to take more than we can afford, why are you doing this?" Qin Ning was enraged by her father's actions.

"How is this more than we can afford?" Qin Ning's father asked matter-of-factly.