I Only Have One Month of Time (7)

"Um, Mommy, aren't you supposed to knock? Where are your manners?" Little Bean asked, not sure how else to react.

"I don't have manners? At least I didn't talk about my mom behind her back…" Huo Mian pretended to be angry.

"I was just joking with Handsome Su, ha… I would never talk about Mommy that way, she's the prettiest woman in the world… She's smart, gentle, nice, understanding…" Little Bean then proceeded to do what she did best – kiss ass.

"Stop right there." Huo Mian raised a hand, and Little Bean immediately shut her mouth; her mom was the ultimate authority in the family; even Qin Chu had to listen to her.

Therefore, Little Bean would never piss Mommy off for no reason. She stood there quietly, not daring to say a word.

Huo Mian walked up to Little Bean and picked up the phone to see Su Yu. "So, she was talking to you?" she asked, feeling a little awkward.

"Who did you think she was talking to? Gao Boyuan?" Su Yu joked.