Never Fight Against Me (5)

"Huo Mian, are you saying you're unwilling to help?" Shen Mingxi said grudgingly.

"My spirit is willing, but my body is weak. I simply do not have the ability to help you," Huo Mian responded directly.

"Yanyan, get up, let's go."

"No, Huo Mian. Please, I'm begging you. This is the last time, I promise. Please, can you please do me this favor because I helped Little Bean before?" It was only natural for Huo Yanyan to play the pity card first, and then to whip out the favor card after it failed.

Seeing that Huo Mian said nothing, Huo Yanyan continued, "I know you have the right outlook of the world, and that you despise a homewrecker like me. I know you think I'm the third person that ruined Mingxi and Wei Ying's marriage. After all, Wei Ying is Mr. Wei's little sister, Dr. Jiang's sister-in-law. You're close with them, so you look down on me. It's all normal."