The Last Ace (8)

"President Su, what an honor." Huo Siqian smiled. He may be a lot of things, but intolerant was definitely not one of them. Growing up in the Huo Family and climbing to where he is today took a lot of tolerance and patience.

Therefore, even his subordinates and the employees at the Huo Corporation rarely saw him get mad at anything.

Rumor had it that a long time ago, the Huo Corporation hired a new cleaning lady. One day, she was mopping the floor and slipped because it was so slippery. The dirty mop flew into the air and landed right on Huo Siqian's leather shoes that were probably worth a couple of grand…

Just when everyone thought that the cleaning lady was doomed for life, Huo Siqian helped her up with a smile and asked her if she was okay.

The cleaning lady was so touched that she dedicated her life to the Huo Corporation. Today, she was the company's cleaning department's director.