The Divorcing Crisis (6)


Su Yu was baffled; he had said so much but all Qin Chu said was 'mhm'.

"Yo Bro, are you listening to me or not?" he asked, exasperated.

"I am, go on…"

Qin Chu's response was just as calm as Huo Mian's.

"Forget it, you and Huo Mian are smart people, you should know what's best better than me." In the end, Su Yu decided to give up his intervention. He got up with his champagne glass and walked away ever-so-proudly.

It was already 9 PM when Qin Chu arrived at home. The twins were still downstairs, playing with their grandparents.

"Daddy, you're home!" Little Bean immediately ran up and hugged Qin Chu's leg.


Qin Chu could never refuse his daughters, and he immediately picked Little Bean up. "What did you guys have for dinner?"

"Granny made us stir-fry vegetables."

"Were they good?"

"Not bad… not as good as the professional chefs for sure, but Granny cooked with her heart."