The Abnormality of Huo Siqian (9)

"Of course it is." Lu Yan flashed him a beautiful smile. She was wearing a yellow floral bikini, showing off all the curves on her body. Mind you, her face alone was capable of pitching a hundred tents in men's trousers. Therefore, almost all the tourists stopped to gawk at this beautiful Asian woman.

Feeling jealous, Qiao Fei took out a silk scarf and laid it down on Lu Yan's body.

"What are you doing?" Lu Yan stopped drinking her juice and placed it off to the side.

"I'm trying to hide your fat," Qiao Fei scoffed.

"What the f*ck, are you blind? My body is perfect, there is no fat! Psycho Qiao, how dare you insult me when I give you food to eat and clothes to wear!" Lu Yan shouted angrily.

"I do what I want," Qiao Fei said, purposely trying to make Lu Yan mad.

"Hm, I think you're just jealous. Admit it," Lu Yan laughed, proud of herself.

"So what if I am? You shouldn't be wearing so little out in the public anyways."