If God Wants You Dead, He Will Make You Crazy First (1)

After Qin Chu saw that, his expression changed subtly… He called Zhang Manlin. 

"When did this happen?"

"Just now… Our Dr. Liu fainted and Vice Director was super worried… She came to visit him herself. I always thought that she was just caring, but I was surprised when I saw them hold hands. I heard that she was germaphobic and rarely made skin contact… That's a little strange… President Qin, since we're good friends, I wanted you to know. Otherwise, if everybody but you knew, that would be awkward."

"Okay, I got it."

"If you feel unhappy, would you like to go get a drink after I get off work?" Zhang Manlin proposed.

"No need, I'm hanging up now." After speaking, Qin Chu coldly hung up.

Interacting with Zhang Manlin wasn't that simple. He needed to act naturally and not too close to her.

Acting close would make Huo Siqian suspicious. If he didn't, it might make things go too slow. So, Qin Chu needed to gauge the speed.