Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before Them (13)

Liu Ze didn't know what to feel as he looked down at the bouquet of chrysanthemums in his hand.

Before he could say anything, however, Pudding said, "The girl in the flower shop told me that white chrysanthemums symbolized purity… and I thought, what a perfect present for a doctor! However, just white would be too boring so I asked the girl in the shop to add some yellow chrysanthemums. What do you think, do you like them?"

Pudding then looked up at Liu Ze with an innocent expression on her face.

Liu Ze looked down again at the white and yellow chrysanthemums; he couldn't get mad, but he was mad! What an awkward situation…

The nurses outside began talking amongst themselves…

"Wait, why did Vice Director Huo's daughter give Dr. Liu chrysanthemums? Aren't chrysanthemums what you give to dead people?"

"Yeah, that's a creepy gift… but she's young, I'm sure Dr. Liu won't blame her. She's still a child, of course, she didn't do it on purpose."