The Game of the Twins (12)

"Ugh…" Huo Mian was speechless.

"What happened?" Huo Mian's face made Jiang Xiaowei curious.

"Little Bean said that her daddy's angry and that it's really scary."

"Haha… did you do something to make him mad again?" Jiang Xiaowei was enjoying the show.

"Ahem… whatever, I'll go home first."

"Alright, call me when you have time to get together." Jiang Xiaowei waved to Huo Mian.

After she left the station, Huo Mian drove back to South Hill Manor, feeling unsettled.

Why was Mr. Qin so mad? He was not normally so ill-tempered.

Was it because she saw Su Yu in the morning? Was it because she brought him breakfast?

That was not likely… she was always so honest about her relationship with Su Yu… Mr. Qin knew that nothing was going on…

Huo Mian worried the entire way. Once she got home, she did sense that the atmosphere was off.