One Mistake Leads to More Mistakes (7)

"Huo Yanyan… You're trying to use this tactic on me again…" 

Last time when Huo Siqian kidnapped Tiantian, Huo Yanyan did the same.

She really thought Huo Mian was the Virgin Mary.

That time, Huo Mian hesitated before helping her. She helped her in the end because Huo Yanyan tried her best to save her children when Huo Siyi kidnapped them.

At the end of the day, Huo Mian didn't want to owe anyone anything so she would try to repay.

No matter how much she didn't want to see Huo Siqian alone, she went.

Huo Mian did not waiver even when Huo Yanyan begged her on her knees.