A Very High Profile Second Wedding (1)

"No…" Su Yu raised his hand and rubbed his nose. He looked a bit embarrassed. 

When Shen Mingxi's family heard that Su Yu wasn't here to donate blood, they all looked disappointed.

"What can we do now? Someone, please save my son…" Shen Mingxi's mother cried hysterically. She cried so much that she almost fainted. Two younger women were supporting her.

Suddenly, Su Yu got a WeChat message from Huo Mian…

Huo Mian: "Su Yu, where are you?"

Su Yu: "First Hospital."

Huo Mian: "How is Young Master Shen?"

Su Yu: "He's still in surgery and it's not looking that great. Looks like he really needs panda blood."

Huo Mian: "Your call was too sudden and I forgot that my little brother, Ni Yang, has panda blood."

Su Yu: "What? Ni Yang is? That's great!"

Huo Mian: "So I wanted to ask you to see if anyone donated. If not, I'll ask Ni Yang."

Su Yu: "Hurry and ask. If no one comes soon, his family is going to die from shock."