I Only Want Huo Mian (4)

Huo Yanyan looked like she was in pain. After some hesitation, she started recording. She opened her eyes widely and stared at Huo Siqian.

She firmly asserted, "Qin Chu, I will haunt you even if I become a ghost for what you have done to me…"

Huo Siqian filmed it on his phone, and he had an evil grin on his face.

Huo Yanyan soon felt dizzy and she fainted to the ground.

"Mommy, mommy… What's wrong? Mommy, wake up!" Tiantian wanted to rush over but a man blocked her way.

"Boss, the meds are probably kicking in…" Ah-Cheng said.

"Yeah. Take her to the busiest street and just leave her there."

"What about the kid?" Ah-Cheng asked.

"Tie her up with rocks and throw her into the sea…" Huo Siqian said.

The men in the room were all silent after Huo Siqian said this.

"Why look so down?" Huo Siqian glared at Ah-Cheng and asked.

"Boss, Huo Yanyan deserves this but the kid's innocent…"