I Only Want Huo Mian (11)

"How can you act like this? You just killed my idea in the cradle? Can't you play it nicely?" Huo Mian pouted.

"As your husband, I know you very well; at this moment, you won't come up with any good plans, so I don't want to hear it." Qin Chu looked calm.

"Don't. Please give me a chance to show off my intelligence… Otherwise, people will think I've become dumb after getting pregnant."

Huo Mian kissed Qin Chu's cheek and began her sweet persuasion.

Mr. Qin had no resistance to his wife and finally softened up…

"Let's hear about it." Qin Chu took a bite of his bread and looked at Huo Mian.

"Ahem… um… Calm down and listen to me. Here's my plan…"

Huo Mian leaned over and whispered her plan to Qin Chu.

Hearing her plan, Qin Chu's face darkened immediately.

"Honey, what do you think?" Huo Mian looked excited.

"Very good. A good plan. Huo Mian, you're really smart."

"Really?" Huo Mian asked with a smile.