I Only Want Huo Mian (28)

 "Ah, I see. Bring him in."

 After hanging up, Su Yu asked, "Any leads?"

 "Huo Siqian's subordinate. Ah-Cheng is my eyes, let's see if we can get any useful information out of him."

 Qin Chu seemed to be losing hope. Huo Siqian kidnapped her from his home under the light of day.

 He swapped her with Zhang Manlin, which really made Qin Chu feel defeated.

 Nobody else could feel what Qin Chu was feeling right now.

 Ah-Cheng was brought in with white bandages wrapped around his arm.

 "President Qin." He seemed very apologetic.

 "Are you okay?" Qin Chu glanced at Ah-Cheng's arm.

 "I'm fine, it's a minor injury."

"The kid was transferred to a safe hospital and is being cared for, you don't need to worry."

"I know, thank you, President Qin… I really didn't know that Huo Siqian knew about my identity, so I couldn't inform you in time. I heard about Miss Huo…" Ah-Cheng's apology was sincere.