Everyone says Huo Mian’s Dead (6)

"Qiao Fei… just now…" Lu Yan had a strange expression on her face.

"What's wrong?"

"I just had an especially bad premonition…"

"What kind of premonition?"

"It felt like something just stabbed me in the heart…"

"You're fine, don't think too much about it."

"Qiao Fei… do you think my sister might be in trouble?"

As Lu Yan said this, her hand unconsciously reached out and grabbed Qiao Fei's wrist firmly.

Her eyes were also filled with panic, something that Qiao Fei was seeing for the first time.

Lu Yan rarely had this expression on her face. Even when faced with death, she never showed fear.

"No, don't think too much… Sister-in-Law Mian will be fine."

"If something happens to my sister because I don't go back and I can't get to her in time, I will hate myself. She's my sister after all. She and my dad are the only two family members I have left on this Earth…"

Lu Yan was very scared.