The Killer Maniac Lu Yan (14)

"Not yet…" Su Yu said dishearteningly.

"Oh… I'm really sorry to hear that." Professor Luo also looked a little sorrowful.

"Yu, this is basically my diagnosis. I'm going to head back to Jing City now."

"Okay, Professor. I have already arranged for your car and airplane. Thank you for your troubles."

"No trouble at all! Say hello to your grandfather for me when you see him."

"For sure."

With that, Professor Luo and his assistant left the Military District Hospital.

After Professor Luo left, Su Yu walked over and hugged Pudding.

"You agreed that you wouldn't cry."

"But he's going to die…" Pudding was doing her best to be strong and not cry, but she couldn't stop the tears from flowing.

"No he won't, trust me. I will keep trying to get in touch with doctors in the United States for him, then I'll find someone to get in touch with Rick."

"Yes… Uncle Rick should be able to help."