You Don't Understand My Pain (2)

"He did…" Little Bean. 

Su Yu immediately seemed alarmed. 

"He made cake and steak for us even though it's nighttime. He mistreated us by making us fat," Little Bean said in great enjoyment.

Su Yu: "…"

"Handsome Su, don't listen to her. He didn't mistreat us; in contrast, he's been kind to us and made us supper. He's super nice," Pudding added.

"That's good. I can stop worrying now."

Su Yu felt maybe he had overreacted and was relieved that the kids were fine.

"Go to bed and don't stay up late."

"Got it. Same to you."

"Okay. Good girl. I've got to go now."

After he ended the call, Little Bean finished her meal and walked to stand beside the professor.

"Little Bean, don't touch any of these things; they are poisonous."

"Grandpa, what are you doing with the poisonous stuff?"

"Because I'm making the antidote for your dad."

"Whoa! Grandpa, are you a doctor?" Little Bean looked at him in admiration.