Mian, I love you (2)

At this moment, the door of the convenience shop was kicked open.

A group of black-clothed men barged in with masks covering half of their faces.

With neat and professional moves, they immediately opened fire at Kevin and his men.

Pushing the shop owner away forcefully, Kevin turned and ran.

His men shot back, and a fierce shootout began. Instantly, the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

The shop owner hid under a desk with trembling legs.

In less than three minutes, the gunshots stopped.

A man walked toward the shop owner with a submachine gun in his hands.

"Please don't kill me. I really know nothing; I don't know where the girl went…"

She almost wet her pants in fear, regretting getting involved in the trouble.

"Don't be afraid. You can come out now," the man said.

The shop owner stood up slowly on her shaky legs.

"They are gone now."

The shop owner didn't dare to speak.