Do You Dare to Hit Me? (1)

"Auntie, it's no longer news. All the people on earth know about it." Pudding glanced at her aunt hopelessly.

"Um… That's embarrassing. I thought you didn't know."

"That's big news. Everyone knows it," Pudding said.

"Ha! Tang Chuan just called me about it. He was surprised and said he would go to Imperial Star to interrogate Su Yu and get to the bottom of it."

"Tang Chuan is so nosy to dig into such a personal issue. With Su Yu's personality, he'd tell us if it was true." Huo Mian chuckled.

"I'm just curious about what kind of woman could gain Su Yu's favor. No, I've got to see her Weibo."

As Qin Ning logged onto her Weibo, she saw Zeng Rou had more than 100,000 follows.

With as many as 60,000 comments under her post, she was as popular as an A-list movie star.

It seemed Su Yu was an influential figure in the city and a target of gossip.