A Million Dollars, Have a Drink with Me (4)

"Ian? Hmph, he's just a loser in my eyes and not worth mentioning… Go have fun, in a few days, we might be faced with a huge battle."

After speaking, Lu Yan mysteriously smiled and turned around.

"Eh? What is our boss thinking about… Shouldn't she be sad after the breakup? Why does she look so happy?"

"Maybe it's because she reunited with her sister. You all know how much our boss cares about her sister."

"Yeah, anyway, we'll never be able to guess what she's thinking about. Let's just do whatever she tells us to do."

"Mhm, let's go. Ms. Huo has bodyguards too, she should be fine. We're in China, it should be safe."

After a lecture, Lu Yan's men left quietly.

Lu Yan went back to her seat.

"Auntie, your friends left?"

"Mhm, they did," Lu Yan smiled and told the truth.

"Auntie, where's your boyfriend?" Little Bean suddenly asked.

"Uh… Who told you about him?" Lu Yan seemed to be feeling awkward.