We are in Big Trouble (9)

"What on earth do you want?"

"I want you to suffer for the rest of your life…"

Hearing her sinister words, Shen Minxi raised his head and laughed.

"Hahaha. Great… It's great."

"What do you mean?" Huo Yanyan stared at him coldly.

"We're living the story of the Farmer and the Snake. Huo Yanyan, you have no heart. When the Huo Family went broke, you were kicked out of the house by Huo Siqian; having no way out, you married an old man and even got cheated by him, so you had to work as a saleswoman. I pitied you and rescued you and your daughter from misery. I didn't expect you to repay me, but I'm surprised you'd repay my kindness with hatred."

"Shen Mingxi, don't you understand? If you weren't so weak and didn't tell Su Yu our secret plan, we'd never have ended up like this. Why did you betray me?"