I'll Marry No One But Lu Yan (9)

"Okay, you go with her."

Hu Ao wasn't suspicious; he had complete confidence in himself and his bodyguard, thinking that he could easily manage the young girl.

If he knew this girl was Lu Yan, he'd probably never have dared to accost her.

When Lu Yan got out of the car, she left a tiny object in the notch under the handle in the door.

"Buy whatever you want to eat; he'll pay for them," Hu Ao instructed tenderly.

"Thank you, Mr. Hu. You're nice to women."

"Wrong. I'm only nice to you." He gave Lu Yan a suggestive glance.

With a sweet smile, Lu Yan said "Bye" to him and went into the dessert shop, with Hu Ao's bodyguard following her.

Seeing the time was almost up, Lu Yan took a seat and said to the bodyguard, "I'm a bit tired. You go and buy it; I'll wait here for you."

"Okay. What do you want to eat?"

"Mango shaved ice, coconut milk, and um… tiramisu."

"Fine. Wait a minute."