Huo Mian's Birthday Wish (13)

"Aren't you a greedy one? You want me to drive you for the rest of your life…"

"What? Is that too long for you?" Huo Mian pouted.

"No, one life isn't enough for me. We need to be together in the afterlife as well…"

"Okay, Mr. Qin. We are in public."

"So, Mrs. Qin, let's go home for dinner."

Huo Mian happily opened the car door and got on.

When the two got home, everybody was waiting.

"Mommy, you're back. I love you…" Little Bean ran up to her and purred.

Pudding caringly took her purse and brought her slippers.

Huo Mian suddenly felt warm inside her heart.

Home was indeed the warmest harbor. 

"Mian's back, let's eat…" 

Her in-laws were working busily in the kitchen.

"Mommy, Grandpa and Grandma hired a chartered boat and went out to sea today," Little Bean let her into the secret.

"Wow, that's cool." Huo Mian smiled.